HEN's and buck's parties
Organise a Hen or Buck's party
like no other at Quiz Room!
As best man or maid of honour, it is not easy to find a fun and original idea for your best friend's buck's party or hen's party.
When you're looking for a one-of-a-kind party idea for the future bride or groom and all their party mates - we've got you covered at Quiz Room.
You can even customise up to 10 of your own questions!

BOOK online using code BUCKS or HENS for a minimum of 7 p[ayers and the guest of honour plays for FREE.
Find out more or download our events package below, email us or call us now to plan your event.
enterrement de vie de garçon
Tu es le témoin, le ou la meilleur.e ami.e ou le frère du marié, alors tu vas devoir participer à l’enterrement de sa vie de garçon !
Tu vas même devoir organiser et participer à cet événement. Lors du choix de l’activité pour cet EVG tu feras face à une multitude de possibilités. Ce choix est important !
Il faut réussir à cerner la personne (qui va se marier) et opter pour les meilleures activités, pour qu’il s’amuse lors de cet événement unique. Quiz Room te propose une activité hors du commun dans notre salle en immersion comme sur un plateau TV !
Pour un évènement vraiment rythmé, penses au Blindteuf ! Crée spécialement pour s'ambiancer, ce quiz musical hyper festif est parfait pour chauffer tout le monde au son des plus gros hits. Soirée inoubliable garantie !
Tu as la possibilité (en option) de personnaliser 10 questions sur les 60 qui apparaîtront aléatoirement au fur et à mesure de la partie.Surprise garantie !C’est la meilleure façon de personnaliser ta soirée entre ami.e.s pour son enterrement de vie de garçon, et le surprendre avec des questions très visées.
Tout est confidentiel, tu peux y aller en toute impunité, on ne dira rien, promis ! Nos comédien.ne.s enregistreront tes questions en secret.
Vous n’avez qu'à remplir un document en ligne, seul.e ou avec ton groupe ; que vous pourrez même partager avec les témoins, organisateur d'EVG ou autres invités au mariage.
enterrement de vie de jeune fille
C’est un grand jour, et la future mariée s'attend bien à ce qu'il reste gravé dans sa mémoire ! Tu fais partie du cercle des bestas. La bride to be a décidé de te choisir pour organiser une journée mémorable.
Enfin, en tous cas, aujourd’hui c’est toi qui vas devoir organiser un enterrement de vie de jeune fille original pour la surprendre… Oublie tout ce qui est de mauvais goût et pense aux activités tendances pour ta meilleure amie.
Chez Quiz Room, c'est la panacée de l'EVJF au top : du fun, une immersion dans un environnement ultra nouveau, l'effet de surprise, des rires et une ambiance intime juste entre vous dans une salle !
Emotion assurée si tu choisis l'option questions personnalisées avec le quiz. Fais de cette activité EVJF entre copines, un des plus beaux souvenirs de sa vie et de la tienne. C’est la reine de la soirée, prouve-lui que vous la connaissez tou.te.s par cœur en posant des questions personnalisées au fil du jeu.
Ta pote est la queen du dancefloor ? On a l'activité parfaite pour célébrer son EVJF en beauté. Direction une soirée endiablée avec le Blindteuf ! Les hits s'enchaînent, l'ambiance monte et les buzzers chauffent dans une atmosphère de boîte de nuit qui emportera tout le monde. C'est party !
Pendant 1 heure tu auras pour objectif de marquer le plus de points. Dans son coeur, certes mais aussi dans le jeu ! N'hésite pas à utiliser tes jokers pour bloquer ou voler tes adversaires (ou même la mariée !), les jokers peuvent se retourner contre toi alors fais preuve de stratégie.
Mais n'oublie pas que tu es surtout là pour t'amuser et passer un moment inoubliable dont elle sera le centre de l’attention ! #Queen

BUCK's party
You're the best man, best friend or brother of the groom and it's your job to throw him a fitting farewell to single life !
You'll have to both organise and participate in the activity and amidst the mountain of options out there, it's important to choose something different, that all his mates will enjoy and will ensure he has crazy amounts of fun during this unique occasion before his upcoming nuptials.
Quiz Room ticks all those boxes and more by offering you an amazing trivia experience in our immersive room that's just like being on a TV set ! You will aim to score the most points during the course of an hour - both in the game and also with him!
Be sure to use your jokers to block or rob your opponents, but the jokers can turn against you, so plan your strategy carefully. Most of all, don't forget you're there to have fun and create great memories with great mates that will last a lifetime.
You can double the fun by adding up to 10 of your own questions into the quiz games!

hen's party
The big day is coming and the bride to be expects it to be just about as memorable as the wedding day itself! You are part of her circle of besties and she has chosen youtoorganise a memorable hen's party.
Forget all that bad taste stuff and host a truly unique girls night out for your best friend.
Quiz Room is the solution to organising the ultimate hen's party and offers brilliant fun for the bride who dares to be different.
Combine trivia, a captivating TV set like environment, the element of surprise, side-splitting laughter and an intimate atmosphere in your own private room for guaranteed excitement!
Make this hen's party one of the best memories for the bride, yourself and her group of friends. You will aim to score the most points during the course of an hour - both in the game and also with her!
Be sure to use your jokers to block or rob your opponents, but the jokers can turn against you, so plan your strategy carefully. Most of all, don't forget you're there to have fun, shower her with attention and create memories with your besties that will last a lifetime.
You can double the fun by adding up to 10 of your own questions into the quiz games!
+30 min !

PersonaliSe your questions
up to 10 questions out of the 60
that make up your first two parts.
You write the 10 personalised questions yourself or with the group.
Don't panic, we'll explain how to do it. This little effort will add a dose of fun and make the event all the more unique and memorable for your team!

Write up to 10
personalised questions
Log on to your user account and write down the funny (or not!) answer options.
Record you own voice-over !
Surprise your team on the big day!
Relax in our lounge spaces after your games (optional)
At Quiz Room Sydney, we have a spacious reception for post game drinks as well as a dedicated function space on our level 7 rooftop (just above Quiz Room). Take the chance to chill, grab a drink and crown the Joker Master!
Choose drinks and catering (optional)
We are a licensed venue so can provide both alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks for your event. We work with high quality caterers to offer you a selection of catering packages for all budgets, all tastes and all times of the day.
Ask for our catering and drinks options when you request a quote!
At Quiz Room Perth, you can debrief your birthday game session in our spacious lounge where you can view detailed scores together. Drinks and catering are not available, but there are plenty of great options nearby!
What if you organiSed your special event in another city to surprise the lucky one?
Quiz Room has centres in Melboure, Sydney and Perth with more coming soon!
Make this hen's or buck's party a weekend away in a city that's a change from the bride or groom's daily routine. What a great idea for a hen or buck's party!
you ask a lot of questions
Organise a hen's party! Over a day or a weekend, plan surprise after surprise to make her dream and show her that you care. The day of the hen's party should be unforgettable. Start by finding out her availability (discreetly) and gathering her best friends around that date. As the organiser, you'll need to surprise the bride with unique, personalised activities, such as a quiz at Quiz Room, which will make a welcome change from the powerpoint presentation or the shaky video.
At a buck's party, you'll need to be original to make the day unforgettable. The activity has to be personalised, unique, fun, offbeat and, above all, well supervised to avoid any excesses. A paintball game, a boat trip, go-karting, laser tag or even better: a quiz room! Put him in the spotlight with personalised questions sure to get the gang laughing!
We've been mentioned by Vogue Ballroom & Vines of theYarra Valley as the Best Bucks Night Providers.
It's usually the bride's best friends who organise the event, and most of them are the wedding witnesses, cousins and sisters. Their role is essential! They have to come up with the most original, touching, personal, amusing and offbeat ideas! To be sure of pleasing the bride-to-be, a personalised, TV-style quiz at Quiz Room is THE right idea!
This event allows the bride-to-be to spend one last evening with her friends, without her future husband. This event can take many different forms, such as a dinner party, an evening in a nightclub, or an outing to Quiz Room.